Encouraged by the response to our first bone broth post we sought out an expert to teach us more about this fantastic food. This is a guest post by bone broth expert Ryan Harvey. Ryan eats, breathes and (of course) drinks this stuff, enjoy learning how to make some of the healthiest food around from a master!
There's a long list of things to do and try on the "healthy life" track, and up near the top next to solid sleep and hard exercise is clean nutrition.
Paleo is simple (it's certainly not low-carb); for 2 meals a day just eat a chunk of protein the size of your palm (could be beef, chicken, fish, emu, etc) and fill the rest of your plate with salad. Wash it down with a couple of cups of water a day and you're set. Right?
It is an excellent start, and really, a fine finish, but if you're looking for some of that extra zip and zazzle, especially as you do more of that hard exercise we mentioned above and your joints start to ache, we're big fans of bone broth.
View full article →Hey-o Paleo homies, have you seen the latest Paleo news here in San Diego? We thought we'd play around with branching out and provide some resources beyond the easy paleo desserts we sell by creating a paleo food list. We didn't expect that we'd have a local TV show about eating Paleo pop up on the same day, and to top it off it had our Civilized Caveman friend George on there. Does it get any better? :)
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