Viewing articles tagged Paleo Info
Looking for holiday goodies that'll suit the healthy folks in your life? Casting about for a present to yourself that'll leave you feeling amazing the next morning instead of hung over with carb cravings? Check out these holiday picks from Nik & Lee!
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In the search for performance enhancers, we often get suckered in to hints, tips, and tricks. You're better off going deeply into sources of true power. One of those sources of higher performance is love, here's how to use it to make your performances far better.
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We're proud to announce our alliance with the ASPCA in support of their Shop With Your Heart program. We use animal products in Paleo Treats, and we're stoked to make sure your purchasing power goes to supporting businesses that put animal welfare at the top of their priority list. Here's how it works.
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You've been reading about fasting but have questions about butter coffee, or the 16/8, or the Warrior Diet. Read this and relax, it's not as complicated or important to be persnickety as the health gurus make it sound.
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We all have our rules for sifting out the nonsense that every day life throws at us. Here are four of mine that help me quickly assess what I should expect out of a product or service. I'd call them my tips, tricks, and hacks, but...
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Whoa, did you really think all we did was sell desserts? No way are we limited by that, our purview is the entirety of the exploration of joy. Come along for the ride!
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You voted, we won, thank you! Woohoo, this is the 2nd time we've won Best of Paleo in the desserts category, and it's all thanks to you raising up your hand (well, clicking a button) and letting the world know what the best dessert is in the realm of real food. Thank you!
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What the heck is a micro decision? How do some people end up getting what they want and others seem to have long strings of "bad luck"? Read on to find a thousand opportunities every day for you to make your life WAY better.
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There's a reason you won't find Paleo Treats in a large grocery chain near you. Sure, it could quad-zuple our income, but if we wanted lots of money I'd be selling cocaine on the weekends and slingin' lead for the government in 60 day stints. Money's nice, but we make Paleo Treats because we love excellence. Read on for more...
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As of 2017, Paleo Treats owner Lee Selman is 52 years old and looks to be in her late 30s. What's her secret? As Dr. Sara Gottfried says, "Genetics loads the gun and the environment pulls the trigger." Learn how Lee manages her environment and used Paleo to help beat a health scare.
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You're not the only one disgusted by the incessant quest for shortcuts, tips, and tricks. Let's dive deep into the cesspool of unchecked human desire and figure out how to beat your brain's slavish devotion to the easy way out.
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One of our favorite customers came down to San Diego a few weeks back, and we ended up talking about how she got into Paleo. It turns out she has Turner Syndrome, which is a chromosomal abnormality that presents unique health challenges. We asked her to write a blog post about her experience with TS, read on to learn what works for her.
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