Viewing articles tagged Paleo Info
Unless you've been living under a rock, you must have heard how bad gluten is for you. It’s certainly not what most people think: “Our stomachs/bodies were not evolved to eat grains, so we shouldn’t eat them.” While there may be validity to that argument, it actually doesn’t matter if gluten is bad for you. Here's a practical take on why you shouldn't eat grains or legumes...
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This post was penned by Season Johnson, NTP (Nutrional Therapy Practitioner), Paleo Treats® fan and the mother of Kicker, a 3 year old diagnosed with Type B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2013. Season's determination and efforts to help her son are inspirational and encouraging, and we wanted to share what one mother is doing to help her child.
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You cannot accept the concepts of responsibility, quality, and curiosity into the fabric of your character without realizing that each of these is constantly under attack from mediocrity, and the final defense is also the only defense; your own independence.
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Is the Mermaid Empire really going paleo? Probably not. Still, it's fun to dream... "While the idea may have merit and may even be one we choose to explore, we would likely develop it on our own, if at all...projects developed by Starbucks might seem to others to be similar to their own." Go ahead, read the full letter to put that into context.
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There's a long list of things to do and try on the "healthy life" track, and up near the top next to solid sleep and hard exercise is clean nutrition.
Paleo is simple (it's certainly not low-carb); for 2 meals a day just eat a chunk of protein the size of your palm (could be beef, chicken, fish, emu, etc) and fill the rest of your plate with salad. Wash it down with a couple of cups of water a day and you're set. Right?
It is an excellent start, and really, a fine finish, but if you're looking for some of that extra zip and zazzle, especially as you do more of that hard exercise we mentioned above and your joints start to ache, we're big fans of bone broth.
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There's nothing quite like reveling (vicariously) in the mastery of another. Peter Servold's book, Paleo by Season, is a great opportunity to just sit down and enjoy how well a thing can be done, in this case the making of gourmet and healthy meals.
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As you may have guessed by the title, I've been stymied in my search for Paleo ice cream. As with a chocolate chip cookie, and by this I mean a real, no-shit, sugar, butter, fresh-out-of-the-oven gut twisting tongue-gasmic chocolate chip cookie, paleo ice cream may remain an elusive dream for a few more years.
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When you're looking to make Paleo eating way easier, sometimes you just need to hire a chef. Luckily, the internet has made that way cheaper and easier than it used to be. Exhibit "A"? Pete's Paleo. Let me introduce you...
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Hey-o Paleo homies, have you seen the latest Paleo news here in San Diego? We thought we'd play around with branching out and provide some resources beyond the easy paleo desserts we sell by creating a paleo food list. We didn't expect that we'd have a local TV show about eating Paleo pop up on the same day, and to top it off it had our Civilized Caveman friend George on there. Does it get any better? :)
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The Tarahumara ain't Paleo, but that doesn't mean you should eat like them. Here are 7 reasons why their diet and your diet probably shouldn't be the same.
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Looking to cure your allergies? Paleo did it for me; I used to be deathly allergic to dogs, and I now have 3 (one of which sleeps on the bed with us!) Clean up your nutritional act and your body will respond by not freaking out every time you inhale dander. Relax, you can do this.
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Kids do a pretty good job of growing up healthy, it's just that adults try and get in the way so damn much. Let 'em eat their boogers, lick their hands after they touch a shopping cart, drink dirt slurpees and fall off their bikes. Trust me, they'll be fine.
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