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When I transitioned to a paleo lifestyle after 10+ years of being a vegetarian, the first meal I ate out was a chicken salad. I distinctly remember every bland bite of it (grilled chicken, spinach, a few other forgettable veggies, and olive oil as dressing), wondering if this would become the new norm for dining out as my newly paleo self.
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It wasn't long ago that if you said you were Paleo, people had no idea what you were talking about. Back then when you explained that you ate like a caveman, people would be perplexed and ask if you killed your own food with a club. Thankfully, Paleo is starting to become more mainstream as celebrities are talking about it, and people are seeing the amazing health benefits from it. Because of this, we wanted to take some time to recognize the Pioneers of Paleo.
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Taylor Ritzel was a member of the Olympic gold medal winning Women’s 8 in London 2012. Since 2012 she has radically changed the way she trains along with squarely facing some of her “diet demons". Taylor is making a bid for a 2016 Olympic spot with Sara Hendershot as a rowing pair, and in a growing trend they’re using both Paleo & CrossFit to get there.
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What happens when we forgo sleep? How do poor and insufficient sleep interfere with our well being, our daily performance, even our relationships? To answer this question, it is helpful to understand how sleep works, and the function it plays in our daily lives.
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This post on visualization techniques is by Heidi Fearon, well known in the CrossFit community for her incredible work in keeping top athletes physically healthy and mentally focused. Heidi's wisdom come from her experience as a competitor and coach, and has helped some of the world's fittest athletes perform at their peak.
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This is a guest post by Le Cordon Bleu trained chef Pete Servold, owner of Pete's Premade Paleo. Pete is a fantastic cook and a true student of the kitchen. I asked Pete for his favorite Paleo breakfast and this is what he came back with. It's good as written (egg muffins) as well as in a pie plate or other small baking bowl. We had a lot of fun making and eating this delicious breakfast, enjoy!
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This post was penned by Season Johnson, NTP (Nutrional Therapy Practitioner), Paleo Treats® fan and the mother of Kicker, a 3 year old diagnosed with Type B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2013. Season's determination and efforts to help her son are inspirational and encouraging, and we wanted to share what one mother is doing to help her child.
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We're excited to have the inventor of Bulletproof® Coffee, Dave Asprey, contribute to the PT blog today. We are fans and believers in the Bulletproof coffee, drinking it every morning (we add cacao powder and coconut oil in addition to butter) and noticing a big difference when we miss a day. Cruise on over to Dave's site after reading to learn more about the Bulletproof life.
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Encouraged by the response to our first bone broth post we sought out an expert to teach us more about this fantastic food. This is a guest post by bone broth expert Ryan Harvey. Ryan eats, breathes and (of course) drinks this stuff, enjoy learning how to make some of the healthiest food around from a master!
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Dorothy Ainsworth, a Paleo Treats Ambassador, is one of our original heroines. She's a waitress in Oregon who built her house with her own two hands (twice, it burned down the first time), written for Backwoods magazine, lived outdoors and rocked a bathing suit with a chainsaw long before it was cool for women to be hard chargin' and tough humans.
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