Victor Davis Hanson, author of a number of books on military and more specifically ancient Greek military history as well as farming from the agrarian hoplite perspective, joins us for this episode of the Paleo Treats podcast.
Having been inspired to grow grapes from The Land Was Everything: Letters from an American Farmer to learn Attic Greek after reading Who Killed Homer: The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom
, and think just a bit more about military history when exposed to the ideas in The Savior Generals: How Five Great Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost - From Ancient Greece to Iraq
by this guy, it was an honor to have him on the show.
We cover everything from farming to soldiering to the Anabasis, public education, the delta smelt and whether or not the unemployed should be allowed to log downed timber.
If you'd like to read more of his work or just learn what makes him tick, check out Victor Davis Hanson here. Enjoy!
Nik Hawks helps run the show at Paleo Treats. Fascinated by humans in all their strange glory, Nik is harnessed in and pulling hard in pursuit of excellence with the rest of the PT Crew. Enjoy!